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Wuhan Update, Spring Dates, and more

Well, if you follow us on Facebook you will know that we ended up cancelling our trip to China. It takes a lot for us to cancel plans but when we learned that rowing wasn't even taking place...well, that cinched the deal. Our friends in Hangzhou report that they are only allowed to leave the house once every two days for one adult to shop for groceries and other needfuls. Some people go to work if it is deemed a necessity but all schools are closed until further notice. This is certainly not the China we'd like you to see!

This trip will be re-booked for the first week of November.

We're hoping, for our friends' sake, that things go back to normal as quickly as (safely) possible.

Let us know if your team would like to nab this week for your own fun: March 22-29 is now free as we will not be in China. Sicily? Spain? Portugal? Let's travel!

In other news, April is always a gorgeous time to row in Tuscany! Well, OK, we say that about every season but it's true! Each moment of the year gives us new foods in season that we've been waiting for! New wildflowers that pop! Luxurious Spring days heady with sunshine and warmth! The dates this year for April are 18-25, and then May 3-10.

Take care and send positive thoughts to China!

Eliza & Enzo



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