Click on the links below to see specific dates and more! Or click here for all DATES!

Oct 5-12, 2025
Row Sicily!!!
Taking advantage of our sister-club relationships in Sicily, we'll train every day on the Mediterranean Sea, both in flatwater and coastal rowing boats. The rest of the day is open to explore this jewel of an island, where 2000 years of history has collided into a multicolored culinary, cultural, and architectural richness.

May 2025
Special Olympics & Adaptive Rowing Families
Here at our home club in San Miniato, we have a team of Special Olympics rowers who have a ton of fun going to events all around Italy. We organize events as well and we know firsthand how it takes a village to make the magic happen. If you are part of this village: come join ours for a week!

Nov 1 - Nov 8, 2024
Tuscany Rowing Week
Rowing Vacation Week - for rowers of all ages and abilities who love rowing, love to travel, and love the idea of traveling with rowers! Each day will include a training session (weather permitting of course!) and a fun travel experience, such as a trip into Florence or a wine tasting nearby.

La Traversee de Paris
Be a rower, but in Paris! We'll dabble in a few different rowing spots, eat of the magnificent things that Parisian bakeries produce, walk the streets of Paris feeling like exquisite, rare humans that don't just visit Paris, but ROW there! Versailles, Fontainebleau, Bercy - we'll visit as locals, but save time for awestruck admiring of the big stuff like museums and scenic spots.