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All Rowing Camps, Sculling Camps, Sweep Camps, Rowing Vacations & Rowing Tours

The best and most comprehensive guide on the internet for ALL rowing camps (not just paid advertisements) is thanks to Concept2's listings designed to help newbies to the rowing world transfer their newfound erg skills to the water. Below is the content from their site, which I invite you to visit, posted here simply to give it the attention it deserves. All of us in the rowing world owe many of our successes to the brilliant engineers at Concept2, with their innovation in oars, ergs, ski ergs, and more. And no they did not sponsor this post! Please go to for this excellent list.

There are many many masters and juniors camps in the United States targeting virtually every aspect of the rowing cycle. Harder to find are rowing camps and sculling camps like ours, that offer travel experiences targeted to rowers!

Rowing Vacations ASD (Rowing Team)

Via Asmara

San Miniato PI 56028 Italy

P.Iva IT02417230501

+1 (802) 868-1711

+39 349-7818829

Direzione Turistica 

GO WORLD srl - Address: Via Canale 22 - 60122 Ancona – Italy

P.IVA 02763050420

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Terralba Toscana, Terralba Tuscany,, Lake Champlain Rowing Club & © 2022 Canottieri San Miniato ASD./Rowing Vacations Association 

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